BELLINI: Il PIRATA – Concert-format opera performance in two acts, with one intermission, in Italian
Wednesday, 6 November 2024
From 7.00 pmuntil approximately 10.00 pm
Müpa – Béla Bartók National Concert Hall,
HUF 10,900 / HUF 8,900 / HUF 6,900 / HUF 5,900 / HUF 4,900
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BELLINI: Il PIRATA – Concert-format opera performance in two acts, with one intermission, in Italian

Opera season ticket 1

Dániel Dinyés conductor

VINCENZO BELLINI: Il Pirata – Hungarian premiere

Imogene Klára Kolonits
Gualtiero Paolo Fanale
Ernesto Alexey Bogdanchikov
Itulbo Roland Tötös
Adele, Imogene’s companion Gabriella Busa
Goffredo István Kovács

Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra
Hungarian National Choir (choirmaster: Csaba Somos)

Conductor: Dániel Dinyés

Ten years – ten operas: Vincenzo Bellini (1801–1835), the Italian master of early Romanticism who, though he lived an even shorter life than Mozart did, still proved highly influential, creating his entire output for the musical stage in the course of a single decade, between 1825 and 1835. While his most famous works are Norma, I puritani and La sonnambula, the rich melodic world and lively plot of the rarely heard Il pirata, now being performed in concert by the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir, merits attention as well. The principle roles in this unique gem of the bel canto repertoire will be sung by an international cast of soloists conducted by Dániel Dinyés.

It is an integral element of the Hungarian National Philharmonic’s programming policy for the orchestra and choir, which work in symbiosis with each other, to periodically treat their audience to works for the musical stage featuring outstanding guest soloists. Discovering rarities offers up particularly exciting experiences. The two-act opera Il pirata by the 26-year-old Vincenzo Bellini (1801–1835) was first staged in October 1827 at Milan’s La Scala. The story takes place in 13th century Sicily. After being exiled on trumped-up charges, the one-time count Gualtiero has turned to piracy. His former lover, Imogene, has been forced to marry Gualtiero’s enemy, Ernesto, in order to free her imprisoned father. From this basic conflict unfolds a dramatic plot full of twists and rich in emotions and passions. As the great master of the bel canto style, Bellini wrote music of exceptional melodic richness. And singing the two principal roles will be Klára Kolonits and Paolo Fanale, with Alexey Bogdanchikov joining them as Ernesto. This concert-format performance will be conducted by Dániel Dinyés.

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