In the Spirit of Romanticism
Monday, 19 November 2018
From 7.30 pm
Szegedi Nemzeti Színház,
5 400 Ft, 2 900 Ft
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In the Spirit of Romanticism

Kobayashi season ticket 2

Schubert Rosamunda – overture
Csajkovszkij Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35
Brahms Symphony No. 2 in D major, Op. 73
Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra
Zsolt Hamar conductor

It might seem surprising, but Schubert did not write a Rosamunde overture. There was, instead, The Magic Harp, which was later renamed Rosamunde for reasons unknown.  The Magic Harp overture has been known as the Rosamunde overture ever since. After the 1879 premiere of Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in Vienna, in a particularly insulting review, the musical critic Eduard Hanslick recognised Tchaikovsky’s talent but found the Violin Concerto to be a violent, uncomplicated and undiscerning work with a bizarre blend of originality and brutality: “Tchaikovsky has brought us face to face with the revolting thought that music can exist which stinks to the ear!” Hanslick was much better disposed to Brahms’s Symphony in D Major, which premiered in 1877 (and the two composers were great friends): “The blood of Mozart flows through his veins… incontrovertible evidence that it is still possible to write symphonies – though naturally not everyone is capable of doing so.” Vadim Gluzmin, a celebrated star of the major concert halls and orchestras of the international music scene, is the evening’s soloist.

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