Tibor Kun - tenor - chorister
Tibor Kun was born in 1983 in Karcag, the capital of Nagykunság. Initially, he wanted to become a farmer, but after his good results in singing competitions in Hungary, he chose a career as a singer. He began his musical studies at the Szombathely Secondary School of Art. Then he successfully applied to the Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen, where he graduated in 2012 as a vocal artist, a student of Dr Éva Mohos Nagy. Alongside his university studies, he was a key member in the tenor section of the choir of the Csokonai Theatre in Debrecen. During nearly ten years with the choir, he was given the opportunity to perform in smaller roles on several occasions. One of his most memorable experiences as a singer was participating in the world-famous Ennio Morricone’s European concert tour. Since November 2016, he has been a member of the tenor section of the Hungarian National Choir. His current singing coach is Erika Markovics.
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